i don't smoke during working hours 意味

  • 勤務時間中にはたばこを吸わない.


        during the normal working hours:    通常{つうじょう}の就業時間中{しゅうぎょう じかん ちゅう}に
        during working hours:    during working hours 就業時間中 しゅうぎょうじかんちゅう
        working hours:    working hours 作業時間 さぎょうじかん 労働時間 ろうどうじかん
        i don't mind if i do:     I dòn't mínd if I dó. ((略式))いいですね,いただきます《◆飲食物などをすすめられた時の丁寧な返答》.
        and i don't know what:    その他多くのもの
        and i don't mean maybe:     and I dón't mèan máybe! ((主に米略式))うそや冗談で言ってるのではない《◆やや脅迫を含む》.
        don't i know it:     dòn't I knów it ()((略式)) (1) (自分の発言のあとにつけて)(自分にとっていやなことを)ちゃんと覚えているよ. (2) (相手の発言を受けて)その通りだ,先刻承知だ《◆不愉快なことを言われた時の言い返し表現》.
        i don't know about:     I dòn't knów about O 《◆Oは名詞?動名詞》 (1) 〈人?物?事〉のことはさておき I don't ~ about yóu(), but I'm tired. 君はどうだか知らないが私は疲れたよ. (2) 〈事〉を認めない;[遠回しな否定?拒絶]さあ…はどうかな I don't ~ about having the day off. その日はまず休めそうにないがなあ
        i don't know that:     I dòn't knów that ... ((略式)) (1) …かしら(I wonder that). (2) どうも…じゃないらしい.
        i don't mind:     I dòn't mínd. (1) ((どちらがよいかと聞かれて))どちらでもよい. (2) (消極的に)はい(yes)《◆飲食物をすすめられた時の返答など》.
        i don't see why not:     I don't sée why nót. ((略式))もちろんだよ.
        i don't suppose that:     I don't suppóse (that) ... ((略式))…というのは無理でしょうね《◆(1) この場合はI ~ you couldn't ... も普通; cf.?1 . (2) that節の中は仮定法過去など》 I don't ~ you could lend me 10 dollars, could you? 10ドルお借りするのは無理でしょうか《◆Could you l
        i don't think:     I dòn't thínk. ((略式))[皮肉?いやみなどの後で] (いやはや)まったくねえ You're not a very handsome boy, I don't ~. 君はとても美男子とはいえないよ,まったくのところが.
        i don't wish to do:     I don't wísh to do [相手が嫌がりそうなことを言う前に] …したくない I don't ~ to interrupt you,but ... お話し中失礼ですが….
        people who don't like smoke:    たばこの煙が嫌だという人々{ひとびと}


  1. "i don't see why you should take all the blame for what happened. it wasn't your fault"の英語
  2. "i don't share his standards of behavior"の英語
  3. "i don't share your apparent need for punishment"の英語
  4. "i don't share your confidence in mr. smith's judgement"の英語
  5. "i don't share your skepticism on the outcome of this investment"の英語
  6. "i don't smoke that brand any longer"の英語
  7. "i don't subscribe to this fallacy"の英語
  8. "i don't support that viewpoint"の英語
  9. "i don't suppose that"の英語
  10. "i don't share your confidence in mr. smith's judgement"の英語
  11. "i don't share your skepticism on the outcome of this investment"の英語
  12. "i don't smoke that brand any longer"の英語
  13. "i don't subscribe to this fallacy"の英語

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